Friday, August 8, 2008

announcements, announcements; and maybe a hello

Yo people of my nation (which is you lovely chicas and dude!)
and nooo, I don't really have a nation, it's just a rip off from a song, get it? no? funny right! no? *shakes head* okay nevermind.

Anyway, I thought of creating a blog for our class, so that we can stash up any announcements, messages, gossips or whatever need be here.

1) less money spent on mass sms/calls (plus msn is sometimes so screwed)
2) everybody who's part of A01 zero 8 can be part of this! how cool?
*sings we're all in this together*

Alrighteyyyyy, anyhoo. you guys know the IT submission details right?
Blk 47 Level 6
submit into his hole, i mean pigeon hole.
Include the 2 cover sheet. and burn it into a cd and then do the aforementioned sentences.

Moving on,
all the best for the upcoming exams sweetards!
and pst, if you guys love to munch on things while studying, let me recommend you guys, Kinder Beuno (heck the spelling). Don't chill it, the hazelnut thingy inside would harden and then you'll suffer delayed gratification. No, im just kidding. HAHA! leave it out in a cupboard or something, so when you sink your teeth into it, the hazelnut thingy will ooze out and I'll assure you, it is sure as heck the epitome of happiness. Try it! It'll help with the stress, at least to me. haha! And go get yourself a pint of ben and jerry's chocolate fudge brownie (v chewy chewy) or their cookie dough ice cream, sweet niblings!

If you're not so much of a chocolate person, go buy raisins. It's nice! and i heard its good for the brain. Be careful not to get those that'll leave a bitter aftertaste. Or make yourself a cup of hot chocolate before you start studying, or my personal favourite, hot blackcurrent tea. yummmm-meh.

and lastly, before you open the book, please SMILE! :D

okay all the best people,
remember, if you drink don't drive. if you drive, don't drink. road rage kills

adious my amigos!

<3 nick j's nana

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